Privacy Policy

1. Who We Are

HTRFDT Inc. (“HTRFDT”, “us”, and “we”) is a Canadian federal corporation based in Quebec.

2. Hathor-based Products And Privacy

We develop software products for use with the Hathor blockchain network. Our software is designed, in line with the ethos of cryptocurrency, to respect your privacy. We take your privacy seriously and generally design our products using “privacy by design” as a guiding principle which means that we have tried to reduce the privacy impact of using our products, from inception. 

Although there is very little information attributable to an individual that is generally implicated in our products, where such information is made available (by you) or is required by you, we have taken steps to minimize the privacy impact on you. We strive to consistently improve our privacy practices, while also balancing other factors such as usability, Canadian law, and the long-term viability of our software. 

3. Personal Information

The personal information that we collect varies, depending on the product and the purposes for which the product is made available to you. In some cases we may also collect personal information in order to comply with Canadian laws (e.g. tax laws.)

4. Encryption and Safeguards

All HTRFDT websites and applications use TLS encryption to protect information transmitted from you to us, and vice versa. HTRFDT makes use of industry-standard security methods, or better, to safeguard personal information, proprietary data, and application information. Where feasible, we encrypt information at rest. If you choose to make use of email, social media messages, or other public/unencrypted methods of communication then your communication with us may in some cases be accessible to third parties. You may write to us to establish a secure communications channel if you would like to communicate securely with our developers, customer support, business development staff, or other personnel of HTRFDT. 

5. Collection and Purposes

All information collected by us is for the purpose of: 

  1. providing software and/or service(s) to you; or,
  2. to support ongoing development of or to improve our products (and services), in some cases using aggregate statistics, telemetry, and user behaviour data; or,
  3. to provide technical support or fix bugs; or, 
  4. to respond to you; or,
  5. to comply with our obligations under Canadian law. 

6. Cross-Border Services

By using our products and services you consent to the transfer of any information about you (including personal information, to the extent that there is any within our possession) to other entities where the transfer of that information is necessary or desirable to provide the requested product or service to you, including transfers to other countries such as as the United States of America. 

7. Government Requests

Information held by us with respect to your use of it may be disclosed to lawful authorities in Canada or elsewhere according to applicable law. HTRFDT may disclose information related to your use of our products or services in response to a request by a lawful authority or it may do so if it deems it prudent to do so for business reasons where such disclosure is permitted by Canadian privacy laws (or other applicable laws in Canada). 

8. Data Brokers and Advertising

We do not make use of data brokers to create profiles on our customers or users. In some cases, we may make use of advertising systems (e.g. Facebook advertising or Google advertising) that relies on profiles created by third-parties about you (potentially involving data brokers), and this may be combined with data that we have gathered about you, including personal information. We may make use of these industry-standard advertising methods to advertise to you or to find other potential users like you. You may choose to opt-out of this use of your personal information by writing to us.

9. Right To Correct Records

To the extent that we have collected personal information about you, you may request that we correct our records or have access to your records.  

10. Contact

For questions, concerns, or comments about HTRFDT products and services, and privacy, please contact

11. English Language Clause

English Language. It is the express wish of the parties that this Agreement and all related documents, including notices and other communications, be drawn up in the English language only. Il est la volonté expresse des parties que cette convention et tous les documents s’y rattachant, y compris les avis et les autres communications, soient rédigés et signés en anglais seulement.

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