End-User License Agreement

1. Hathorpay

Hathorpay is a software program designed for use with the Chrome web browser as an extension that enables you, the user of the program (“You” or “Your”), to interact with the Hathor blockchain. Hathorpay is developed by HTRFDT Inc., a Canadian federal corporation based in Quebec (“HTRFDT”). This agreement sets out the legal terms that apply to Your use of Hathorpay.

2. The Hathor Network And Hathorpay

Hathorpay has been developed for You to use with the Hathor blockchain network. You are in control of Your transactions and may choose to send or receive Hathor using the Hathor network (or not). Transactions that You conduct using the Hathor network may have transaction fees associated with them that are due to the nature of the Hathor network and HTRFDT does not take a portion of the fees or participate in Your transactions in any way. 

3. License To Use

Hathorpay is licensed to You for Your personal use on a worldwide, non-sublicensable, royalty-free, non-transferable basis. You may install Hathorpay on as many devices as You require for Your personal use. 

4. Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is complex. Hathor itself may experience issues, or You may find it difficult to use the wallet that is built into Hathorpay. HTRFDT strongly encourages You to read and learn about Hathor, Hathorpay, wallets, and strategies for ensuring that You do not lose any Hathor that You use with Hathorpay. We also strongly recommend that You back up all of Your data (including Your “seed phrase” that is a 24 word code for restoring Your wallet). Please carefully read this agreement, including its disclosures about risks, before conducting any transactions using Hathorpay. 

5. Your Responsibilities

You shall be responsible for:

  1. your use of Hathorpay; and,
  2. learning about Hathor and blockchain technology before conducting any significant transaction using Hathorpay; and,
  3. backing up Your data (e.g. private keys, seed phases, etc.); and,
  4. ensuring that You do not allow anyone else to access or use Hathorpay, and for ensuring that there is no malware, virus, or other malicious code running on the device that You install Hathorpay on; and,
  5. providing accurate information to HTRFDT regarding Your use of Hathorpay; and,
  6. ensuring that You only send Hathor to addresses that You have verified; and,
  7. ensuring that You are permitted in Your jurisdiction to make use of Hathorpay.

6. Disclaimer of Risks

By using Hathorpay You acknowledge that HTRFDT is not responsible for how You choose to use Hathorpay. The following risks should be considered before using Hathorpay as HTRFDT shall not have any responsibility for the foregoing risks:

  1. the Hathor network may experience technical problems or become unavailable; and,
  2. even if the Hathor network is not experiencing technical difficulties, Hathorpay may fail to broadcast a transaction or the transaction broadcast may be delayed; and, 
  3. you may make a transaction to an address that you did not intend or to an incorrect address; and, 
  4. any failure to send a transaction that results in a failure to achieve some other purpose or a certain price; and,
  5. third parties might gain access to Your device and be able to access Hathorpay to conduct unapproved transactions, or Your device itself may not be secure due to installed malware or some other software application that compromises device security; and,
  6. updates to Hathorpay may negatively affect You depending on Your system and how You use Hathorpay; and,
  7. communications between Your device (with Hathorpay installed) and the Hathor network and/or Hathorpay servers may not be secure or may be intercepted by third parties (e.g. using an unencrypted public hotspot to access the services); and,
  8. Hathorpay may have bugs. 

7. Bug Reports and Improvements

You may choose to provide a bug report or offer suggestions regarding Hathorpay. You are not required to do so but if You do then You shall be deemed to have given HTRFDT permission to make use of Your suggestions to improve Hathorpay or other products made by HTRFDT. 

8. Technical Support

Technical support (and support of any kind) is not a part of this agreement but may be offered at the discretion of HTRFDT to assist You. If HTRFDT chooses to provide any technical support to You then it shall be at Your own risk and You shall be responsible for evaluating any offered advice or recommendations before following it. Any support offered to You will not be a substitute for hiring Your own technical expert. 

9. Hathorpay Is Independent Of Hathor

Hathorpay enables interactions with the Hathor network but it was not created by the Hathor blockchain network developers. Hathorpay is an independent, proprietary product that uses the public Hathor network. 

10. Third-Party Price Data and Transactions

Hathorpay makes available pricing of virtual currency units (e.g. Hathor) that may not be accurate or timely. You are responsible for ensuring that the Hathorpay wallet conducts a transaction using the correct quantity of Hathor that you intend to send, and any differences in pricing that may exist between the accepted “correct” price (if such a price exists) and the displayed price for Hathor in Hathorpay shall be at your own risk. Virtual currency prices are constantly fluctuating due to global markets, and the prices available to You in Your jurisdiction through regulated or unregulated markets (depending on the jurisdiction) may differ from the displayed price in Hathorpay. 

Always double check significant transactions before sending. Transactions using Hathorpay are irreversible because they are completed on the Hathor blockchain, which is an immutable blockchain system. 

As with pricing information, other blockchain-related data displayed in Hathorpay, such as information about non-fungible tokens (NFTs) or other information, may be made available to You (all of which is “Third-Party Data”). Third-Party Data is provided to you without any warranty, and may be inaccurate. You should carefully review Third-Party Data, which is provided to You as a courtesy, and verify it with the third-party directly before taking action based on it.

11. Loyal Customers

HTRFDT may choose to provide Hathor-based loyalty rewards to You, at no cost, in the form of tokens. Minting tokens on the Hathor network requires paying HTR, and a portion of Your purchase may be allocated by HTRFDT to this cost (and HTRFDT may provide disclosure of this amount, as part of its core value of transparency), but the tokens shall be provided to You without any obligation or fee. HTRFDT may choose to modify or end its loyalty rewards program(s) at any time. HTRFDT shall have no obligation to refund any purchase made for which rewards are no longer applicable, as the loyalty rewards are a free offer from HTRFDT and not a separable component of Your purchase. 

HTRFDT does not sell loyalty rewards, and may permit or deny redemption of loyalty rewards at its sole discretion. HTRFDT may change the quantities of loyalty rewards necessary to redeem (e.g. X rewards for an HTRFDT sweatshirt) and may charge additional fees for shipping, customs, etc., depending on Your locale (e.g. shipping to countries located far from Quebec may require additional rewards or require payment). HTRFDT shall have no obligation to continue accepting loyalty rewards as a means of reducing the payment price for all, or a portion of, Hathorpay, or for any other products or services offered by HTRFDT. The particular terms of any offer of loyalty rewards to You shall be as stated by HTRFDT and subject to change according to the company’s sole discretion. Any failure by HTRFDT to abide by its own offers of free loyalty rewards shall not constitute failure to deliver Hathorpay, and You shall have no remedy with respect to a failure to provide a certain quantity of loyalty rewards, and HTRFDT shall not be liable to You, other than for HTRFDT’s failure to delivery Hathorpay or other breach of the terms of this agreement. 

12. Third-Party Services

Hathorpay includes certain third-party services, libraries, and APIs that enhance the functionality of the program. You acknowledge that third-party code or services may be subject to their own legal terms or privacy policies, and that they may not function as intended or may stop functioning at any time. Although HTRFDT attempts to provide a convenient experience in Hathorpay, it is not possible to guarantee the proper functioning of services outside of HTRFDT’s control. 

Hathorpay contains functionality that may enable You to engage in virtual currency transactions using services offered by companies other than HTRFDT and these transactions may be governed by Your local law or by the law of the place where the service is located. By choosing to make use of this functionality You waive any possibility of bringing a claim against HTRFDT in relation to these virtual currency transactions that are not provided by HTRFDT. You should carefully evaluate any third-party services that You interact with through Hathorpay (or interact with them outside of the Hathorpay application).

13. Indemnification

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless HTRFDT’s directors, officers, employees, contractors, affiliates, and other parties acting on its behalf or in concert with HTRFDT, against any claim, cause of action, damages, loss, or legal costs incurred by HTRFDT that are related to Your breach of this agreement or misuse of Hathorpay. 

14. No Warranty

Hathorpay is installable software that is provided for Your use as-is and on an as-available basis. HTRFDT does not offer any warranty with respect to fitness for a particular purpose (or any purpose at all) and disclaims all warranties, including implied warranties. 

15. Limitation of Liability

Hathorpay can only be offered to You if HTRFDT’s potential liability is strictly limited and therefore both parties’ liability shall be limited to the lesser of:

  1. a) the Canadian Dollar value of 50 Hathor as of the date that notice was first provided of a cause of action (or potential cause of action); or, 
  2. b) $100. 

16. Non-Refundable

If You pay for Hathorpay or pay for certain features within Hathorpay then those payments shall not be refundable, even if Hathorpay stops working or if Hathorpay development is discontinued in the future.

17. Termination

Either party may terminate this agreement at any time by providing 30 days notice. If this agreement is terminated by either party then You must immediately stop using Hathorpay and uninstall it from Your devices. 

18. Amendment

This agreement may not be amended by you. This agreement may be amended by HTRFDT but only as part of the sale of all or substantially all of its assets or as part of a corporate reorganization, or by providing You with notice at least 15 days prior to the effective date of the amendment. If HTRFDT amends this agreement and You do not agree to the amendment then Your sole remedy shall be to cease using Hathorpay. 

19. Governing Law and Choice of Forum

This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Province of Quebec, Canada. Any disputes related to this agreement shall be heard in the courts of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 

20. Entire Agreement

This is the entire agreement between the parties with respect to Hathorpay and supersedes any and all other understandings, representations, or agreements that may exist between the parties.

21. Legal Notice

You may send notices to HTRFDT by sending an email to legal@htrfdt.com

22. English Language Clause

English Language. It is the express wish of the parties that this Agreement and all related documents, including notices and other communications, be drawn up in the English language only. Il est la volonté expresse des parties que cette convention et tous les documents s’y rattachant, y compris les avis et les autres communications, soient rédigés et signés en anglais seulement.